
How To Be Your ASD Child's Greatest Advocate

"We just got a diagnosis of high-functioning autism for our 6-year-old son. My husband and I are having two very different reactions to this recent news. I'm rather relieved to know that our son doesn't have a more serious problem (relative to other disorders like bipolar, which is what we suspected originally), but my husband views our son's behavior as "rebellion" and "laziness." How can we support our son, but not let his "disorder" be an excuse for behavior problems or lack of effort?" There is a series of stages that parents go through when they learn that their child has High-Functioning Autism (HFA). Often there is an expected confusion when the child doesn’t seem to conform to “normal” childhood standards. When the diagnosis is made, a sense of grief can occur with the loss of the anticipated “normal child.” Some parents remain in that stage and can't see the positive aspects their child brings to the family and