
Tantrums in Public: Tip for Parents of Kids on the Autism Spectrum

"Any tips for avoiding temper tantrums when my 5-year-old (high functioning) son and I are out shopping?" All parents have experienced the temper tantrum in the grocery store or the restaurant. While young people with High-Functioning Autism and may have tantrums that seem larger than life at times, they are still tantrums. Here are some tips for parents: 1. Prior to going on outings, it is important that your child is prepared for what is going to take place. So explain the trip's agenda in depth. 2. You may want to have your child engage in some physical activity and play prior to the trip so that he is calm (and slightly worn-out) for the outing. 3. You also want to establish what the expectations are for his behavior during the outing. You will need to keep in mind his age and level of understanding when giving expectations. 4. Don't overload him with rules, but be consistent.   ==>  Parenting System that Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens wi