
Do You Know When Your Child is Having a Tantrum versus a Meltdown?

T he difference between a tantrum and a meltdown: ==> How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children with Aspergers and HFA

Addressing Problems with Time and Space: 12 Tips for Parents of Kids on the Autism Spectrum

“My 5-year-old son with high functioning autism suffers with poor planning abilities and disorganization. It’s feels like the most difficult job in the world to keep him on task. Any tips on how I can help him cope better with the everyday responsibilities and routines that are expected of him, such as keeping track of time, completing chores and online homework, not being so messy, and so on?” Time and space are organizing procedures involved in every aspect of life. However, due to poor organization skills, central nervous system dysfunction, and neural immaturity, many kids with Asperger’s (AS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA) are very disorganized (e.g., appearing lost in time and space, likely to lose belongings frequently, unable to accomplish even the simplest task in a timely fashion, difficulty following instructions, unable to keep their rooms clean and orderly, etc.). Difficulties with “sequencing” explain why these young people have trouble remembering things (e.g.,