
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for Sept., 2015]

  Do you need some assistance in parenting your Aspergers or HFA child? Click here to use Mark Hutten, M.A. as your personal parent coach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Mark: Your course has been a lifesaver! It has helped us so much. I have referred a number of people to it. Things are still hard, but not like they were. And I find that they get worse again when I have not re-read the book or my notes for a while, so I try to keep that up. I am wondering if you have an article on dealing with a parent's romantic relationship? My 14 yr old daughter is much worse when anyone I care about is around. For example her behavior greatly improved when her sister left for college (she has always felt very primally jealous and competitive of my love for her). My boyfriend of 2 years lives in another state and is not here that much (I go there too). The last time he was here she was over-the-top, starting trouble for no reason. She has said she does not want me to ha

The High-Functioning Autistic Student: Behavior-Management in the Classroom

Managing children with High Functioning Autism will present teachers with some unique and distinctive challenges. Not only will these kids demand more time and patience, many will require specialized instructional techniques in a structured environment that supports and enhances their learning potential. It is important to remember that HFA students are not “disabled” or inept – they simply need differentiated instruction tailored to their unique learning abilities.  Click here for the full article...