
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for Aug., 2015]

  Do you need some assistance in parenting your Aspergers or HFA child? Click here to use Mark Hutten, M.A. as your personal parent coach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have just listened to you program and now am more able to be more specific!!!  Seriously I have seen 5 psychiatrists, behavioural peds, many psychologists and now 2 specialist psychologists in OCD and Mark, your program is the only one that is practical!  I have been to the “best” specialists in my state and no real progress has been made.  In fact the last person told me this was as good as it was going to get and to just get use to being his carer!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Mark Thank you for your email. I am running a small parent support group in Grahamstown, South Africa and have encouraged the parents to sign up for your newsletter too. It comes highly recommended. Keep up the great work! Kind regards, Amanda Edwards Speech, Language & Hearing Therapist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Frequent "Night Wakings" and Moodiness in Children on the Autism Spectrum

“My son wakes in a terrible, nasty mood. He goes to bed happy, laughing and loving. Nothing that I do can deter him from ruining his day and the day of those around him. I have tried everything to help him turn the day around - from being extra cheerful, music, ignoring, consequences, taking away privileges, talking about it, timeouts, etc... Although I do everything that I can to make sure that he gets adequate sleep (9pm-7am) he has been diagnosed with frequent night wakings. The doctors will not do anything about it. He was diagnosed with ADHD, age 5. However, I realized at age 7 that it was something much more complex than that. Finally, this past winter, he was diagnosed with mild-to-moderate ASD. We have provided countless hours of traditional and non-traditional therapy yet he still struggles a good portion of the time. His father passed away January '14 so that does not help matters -- and he has entered precocious puberty (being treated). Would you please be willing t

The Most Devastating Aspect of Teenage ASD - and How Parents Can Help

"My son, 17 y.o. with HFA, is no longer interested in trying to relate to his peers or do anything social. He says 'nobody' likes him. I would describe him as a recluse at this point. Is this something I should be concerned about, or just let him do his thing, which appears to me to be a very lonely way to live.?" Peer-group rejection occurs when a person is deliberately excluded from social relationships among his or her age group. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common for teens with Asperger’s (AS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA). Research dealing with the implications of peer-group rejection on later development suggest that AS and HFA teens experiencing continuous rejection often experience a decline in their self-image, a state of despair, behavioral difficulties, loneliness and seclusion – and in some cases, serious emotional disturbances. AS and HFA teens who experience peer-group rejection often choose to isolate themselves, which makes a bad

From Anxiety to Anger to Meltdown: An Aspergers Dilemma

Can an Aspergers child’s anxiety play out as anger, and then morph to a meltdown?  Watch this video to find out: