
Help for Emotionally Hypersensitive Children on the Autism Spectrum

"Any help here for parenting a super super sensitive child with autism - especially when he is given a (mild) consequence for throwing a wild tantrum?" Has your child with Asperger’s (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) ever been labeled as "highly emotional" or “melodramatic” by others? Does he enjoy quiet play more than big and noisy groups? Does he ask lots of questions? Is he incredibly perceptive, noticing most of the minor details of life?  Does your youngster want all the tags pulled out from his shirts? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may be raising an emotionally hypersensitive youngster – but that’s not a bad thing! Emotionally hypersensitive kids may not have all the traits listed below – and they may have the traits to differing degrees – but they all require special parenting techniques to enable them to function effectively: Above average ability in one or more areas, even if not evident in schoolwork Bedwetting beyond typ

COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for June, 2015]

  Do you need some assistance in parenting your Aspergers or HFA child? Click here to use Mark Hutten, M.A. as your personal parent coach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My family and I currently live with husband's sister. My husband and I have a son recently diagnosed with aspergers and a daughter. So you can imagine.... His sister has one 3 year old and the live in baby daddy! I am beyond overwhelmed!!!! Let me husband maybe has aspergers we do not know but he said he was diagnosed with ADHD. So when I have these issues from all the changes which would even be much for a normal child so to speck, my husband is not very empathic and i am left to pick up the pieces of my heart soul and mind....I feel alone emotionally and financially since due to lack of focus on the job ....he keeps on losing them as a result we are homeless and of course he blames me since I should have got another full time job besides the full time student part time navy and full time mom takin