
Dealing with Asperger’s and HFA Children Who Hate Change

Parents may find themselves “walking on eggshells” in an effort to circumvent any extreme reaction from the AS or HFA child. Also, the children themselves may articulate their anxiety over fears that things will not go according to plan, or that they will be forced to make changes that they can’t handle. Sometimes these behaviors are identified as “obsessive-compulsive” because of the child's need for ritualized order or nonfunctional routine. The idea that OCD and these “needs for sameness” could share some biologic features is a popular notion among professionals. In this post, we will discuss the following: the causes of inflexibility and behavioral rigidity the signs of inflexibility and behavioral rigidity what can parents do to help their AS or HFA child learn flexibility Click here for the full article...

COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for Oct., 2014]

Do you need some assistance in parenting your Aspergers or HFA child?  Click here  to use Mark Hutten, M.A. as your personal parent coach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hi Mark Can we have your advice please ? Our son is 13 not attending temporary placement, not allowed in mainstream school - currently waiting for approval off the local authority for specialist school for social, communication & behaviour concerns. We are allowing him out as we can't keep him in all day & night but he isn't a pleasant boy around the house.  He is very demanding & forceful when he wants something & he has no patience. Because of his poor choice of words & his respect for us his parents I refuse to give him money.  His Dad does give him money so he is able to buy a drink & food as he says he needs it if he his out for 7 hours. What is your advice to giving money to your teenager who hasn't earned it ? We are aware he is smoking canabis that's another rea

Overwhelming Emotional States in Children with Asperger's and HFA

Unlike temper tantrums, meltdowns are triggered by anxiety – not anger. The child with Asperger’s, or High-Functioning Autism, is in an overwhelming emotional state due to environmental stressors around him or her. This, in turn, can produce the fight-or-flight response, where removing the child from the situation (i.e., flight) is often the best option. Noisy and crowded places, florescent lighting in stores, other people’s cologne or perfume, etc., all cause neurological responses in the child where his or her brain is over-stimulated and needs to “reset.” Usually, the best way to reset an over-stimulated brain is to have the child go to a quiet place – alone! In this way, his or her emotional alarm system will have the time and space to wind down. The following videos will provide additional information regarding meltdowns in Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism:  ==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger&#