
COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for October, 2013]

My son who has Asperger Syndrome , just joined a new school in UK came home today crying his heart out because his so called group of friends ran away from him and avoided him the whole day - and it just broke my heart. He is 14 years old and he faces this same problem when he joins a new school. He was so happy when he found this group but for whatever reason they decided to abandon him. I really hope I can get some help in dealing with this problem.  It is so difficult trying to explain things to him about friendship and how to interact with his peers and being the new guy in school. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My daughter, who is four, has many great days at school.  I know it takes everything in her to make the days great and she really lets us know at home! I'm wondering if you have any advice  regarding toilet training.  My daughter has known when she needs to go since she was 19 months old.  At home she does not wear a diaper until she requests one.  She is embarrass

Environmental Triggers for Autism Spectrum Disorder

"What might be some of the environmental factors involved with autism spectrum disorders, and how would they interplay with genetics?" The rate of diagnosed cases of ASD level 1 (high-functioning autism) grows each year. A number of experts believe that the rising Asperger’s rate is an epidemic that will continue to grow, and they claim that the cause of autism must be environmental. Other experts argue that the increased number of cases is not due to an epidemic, but instead due to a better understanding of how to diagnose these children with symptoms that were previously missed. Still others claim that the rate of the disorder is not growing more now and would have been larger in the past if the current diagnostic criteria were in place. Environmental Factors— A variety of environmental triggers is under investigation as a cause (or contributing factor) to the development of ASD and other autism spectrum disorders, especially in a genetically vulnerable youngster:

Motor Skills Disorder in Kids with ASD Level 1 [High-Functioning Autism]

"Is it common for children on the autism spectrum to be rather clumsy and to have problems with motor skills? If so, how can it be diagnosed/treated?" Neurological in origin, Motor Skills Disorder (MSD) is a developmental disorder that impairs motor coordination in daily activities. Many kids with ASD or High-Functioning Autism (HFA) experience deficits in motor skills development, which often manifest as abnormal clumsiness (although it may not be major enough to be considered a disorder in and of itself). MSD is a result of weak or disorganized connections in the brain, which then translates to trouble with motor coordination. Movements are performed because the brain sends messages to the area requiring action. MSD is a result of weak or poorly structured neural pathways to the moving parts of the body. Clumsiness is a matter of poor balance and gross motor coordination. The origin of this deficit is the vestibular system of the inner ear. The vestibule is an o