
How to Create an Effective Behavioral Intervention Plan for Kids on the Autism Spectrum

In this post, we will look at how to create an effective behavioral intervention plan for students with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism… Once the IEP team (including the parents) has conducted a functional assessment, the information obtained from that assessment should be used to develop a behavioral intervention plan. The purpose of this intervention plan is to spell out what behaviors are being targeted for change – and how change will be handled. Certain items in the behavioral intervention plan are required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, while others are simply good information to have included: description of how the child’s behavior will be handled should it reach a crisis stage (called a “crisis plan”) definition and description of the behavior being targeted description of how the success of the interventions will be measured description of previously tried interventions and how well they did - or didn’t - work in changing behavi


I have an 11 year old daughter I am going to need your expert help with.  I have known for years she was on the spectrum at the high end but don't have a diagnosis.  We have done all the on line tests and even the Asperger's Syndrome Diagnostic Scale which puts her in the "very likely" range.  All the other parent questionaires and quizes scored her very high for AS or HFA.  The problem with officially diagnosing is she also has selective mutism.  Communicates fairly well at home with immediate family members and has one same age cousin that she talks to..That's it.  Clams up completely when we get in the car to go anywhere. Social anxiety BIGTIME.  We are seeing a therapist for the SM but she wants further testing to confirm the AS - but how to test on a child who will not talk or cooperate outside the home?  Do you have experience with selective mutism?  I read about some kids with AS having SM but can't find anything that says what tool they used to diagnos