
Special Disciplinary Techniques for Aspergers and HFA Children

“Should you discipline a child with Aspergers (high functioning) in the same way you would a child without the disorder? If not, what would you do differently?” In many instances, a disciplinary technique would be the same for both the Aspergers/HFA and neurotypical child. But in a significant number of select areas, you will need to take a different approach due to the "special needs" child’s ASD-related symptoms (e.g., sensory sensitivities, mind-blindness, obsessions, etc.). Here are most of the main points to consider when disciplining a child with Aspergers or High-Functioning Autism: 1. Attend local parent support group meetings, and join online support groups. 2. Avoid being over-protective. While your youngster does need you, he also needs his own sense of self and to be able to experience life as much as he can on his own. 3. Be patient and consistent. Due to developmental delays, kids on the autism spectrum may require more exposure to discipline befor