
Viewing Aspergers and HFA as a Difference Rather Than a Disability

"What are you thoughts on this concept of viewing people on the high functioning end of the autism spectrum as 'differently able' rather than 'disabled'. Would this shift in the public view do more harm than good? Or would this be a better way to understand the 'disorder'."? Click here for my response... More resources for parents of children and teens with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's: ==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger's ==> Parenting System that Significantly Reduces Defiant Behavior in Teens with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism ==> Launching Adult Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: Guide for Parents Who Want to Promote Self-Reliance ==> Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management to Children and Teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism ==> Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Aut

The IEP Process: Tips for Parents of Children on the Spectrum

"From experience with an autistic son (high functioning) with an IEP in our school district, it has been a nightmare this past school year. Due process is not at all a fair and objective process if or when you run into problems and or violations. It is costly going against county attorneys that are well versed on tactics to intimidate and bully parents in attempts to make them go away. For anyone in which the process does work, you should feel very fortunate. How can I get the IEP process to work for my child so we don't go through this terrible dilemma again next year?!" Click here for my response... More resources for parents of children and teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: ==>  Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Asperger's Children ==>  Discipline for Defiant Asperger's Teens ==>  Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management ==>  Launching Adult Children with Asperger's: How to Promote Self-Reliance  ==

Alternative Education for Aspergers and HFA Students

"We've had a rough school year with our son (6 year old with high functioning autism). So glad it's coming to a close in a couple weeks! My husband and I are seriously considering some alternate form of education for him in the next school year. What have other parents done in a situation where the school is simply not meeting their child's special needs?" Click here for the answer... More resources for parents of children and teens with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism: ==>  Preventing Meltdowns and Tantrums in Asperger's Children ==>  Discipline for Defiant Asperger's Teens ==>  Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management ==>  Launching Adult Children with Asperger's: How to Promote Self-Reliance  ==>  Everything You'll Ever Need to Know About Parenting Asperger's Children ==>  Parenting Children and Teens with High-Functioning Autism ==>  AudioBook: Unraveling The Mystery Behind Asperger’s a