
Aspergers: Treatment and Intervention

Aspergers (AS) is a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction, and restricted and unusual patterns of interest and behavior.  This post is an attempt to summarize a series of concrete proposals for treatment and intervention, with a view to provide moms and dads and care providers with specific suggestions that may be helpful in devising educational and treatment programs for kids and adolescents affected by this form of social learning disability. Every treatment and intervention program starts with a thorough assessment of the youngster’s deficit and assets in the context of a trans-disciplinary evaluation including assessments of behavioral (or psychiatric) history and current presentation, neuropsychological functioning, communication patterns (particularly the use of language for the purpose of social interaction, or Pragmatics), and adaptive functioning (the person’s ability to translate potential into competence in meeting the demands of

Aspergers CAST Test

The Aspergers CAST Test for kids is a test that will enable moms and dads to have a better sense of what the criteria for Aspergers looks like. For some of you, it will settle your nerves, for others, you will now have a better sense of what's going on with your youngster, enabling you to make appropriate choices with a better idea of where her/his challenges lay. Read the following questions carefully, and choose the appropriate answer: 1. Does he/she join in playing games with others easily? Y N 2. Does he/she come up to you spontaneously for a chat? Y N 3. Was he/she speaking by 2 years old? Y N 4. Does he/she enjoy sports? Y N 5. Is it important for him/her to fit in with a peer group? Y N 6. Does he/she appear to notice unusual details that others miss? Y N 7. Does he/she tend to take things literally? Y N 8. When he/she was 3 years old, did he/she spend a lot of time pretending (e.g., play-acting being a super