
Shutdowns: A Specific Type of Meltdown

"Are shutdowns actually avoidance behavior, in other words, the child is simply trying to get out of doing something uncomfortable? And how is it different than a meltdown? I'm not sure exactly where to draw the line between intentional and involuntary acts with my 10 y.o. (high-functioning)."  Click here for the answer...

How do I bond with my 6yr old son that has ASD?

How do I bond with my 6yr old son that has ASD? It's very hard for me …I need help.   CLICK HERE FOR HELP...            

"He has had numerous meltdowns..."

Parent's Name = Ramona Aspergers-related Comments/Questions/Story = I really like the section on meltdowns and temper tantrums. We are going through the process of getting our son in inclusion classes at school.It has been a long, hard struggle because he makes good grades and we were told he didn't qualify for assistance. He has had numerous meltdowns and the teacher and principal told us that this was all our son's fault. They have put him in ISS and even laughed at him and told him that he acts like a 2 year old. Hopefully, we are going to have some success at getting help because we went to the Board of Education and one of the psychologist's told the assistant director of special ed that he does qualify under the ASD group. I am going to tell them about this website and hope that they will look at it so no other child has to go through the stress and anxiety that my son has the last two and a half years. My Aspergers Child: Preventing Meltdowns