
Helping Your Child Come to Terms with his "Diagnosis"

"How do I help my 12 year old son to come to terms with his diagnosis and help him understand that it is not the end of the world? " ASD Level 1 (High-Functioning Autism) is a "spectrum" disorder; those who have it experience various symptoms, exhibiting a range of behaviors. People with the disorder have a different way of thinking, concentrating on special interests. Many can speak eloquently and have extraordinary abilities in engineering, computer science, and systematic thinking, yet have serious difficulties with social interaction and functioning in the world. However, the disorder is not the end of world; it is treatable. It is very normal for your son (and you) to react with sadness, self pity, anger, or depression when you receive the diagnosis. You are mourning the life you thought you were going to have. But that does not mean that you won’t have a good life; it will just be different. If your son is willing, discuss with him his diagno

Help for Aspergers and HFA Children Who Get Bullied

"I've decided to home-school my son (high functioning) starting next year (even though it's in the middle of school year) because of the bullying that is going on in his public school this year. Am I being over-protective? Also, how can autistic children be helped with bullying so they can return to public school at some point?" Click here for the answer...

Asperger’s Syndrome and Crime

Hot Topic of Discussion - Asperger’s Syndrome and Crime It has always been a hot topic for discussion whether there is a direct association between Asperger’s Syndrome and violent crimes and offenses. Some media reports suggest that a person with Asperger’s Syndrome may be more likely to develop criminal behavior because of issues with social skills/communication. However, arguments from the other end of the spectrum dispute these findings, stating that people with Asperger’s Syndrome are more likely to be victims than offenders. And I have to say I am pretty much in favor of this end of the debate from personal experience. Efforts to further increase the awareness of Asperger’s Syndrome is still needed to extend the understanding of this condition in order to recognize and avoid misconceptions and confusion. Awareness of this condition within criminal courts also has grown over the past few years, and certain measures have been in effect in order to respond to the nature of A