
Coping with Autism and Puberty

" How should I begin talking to my 12 year old autistic son (high functioning) about puberty?"   Talking about sexuality with an HFA child needs to be straight forward. Autistic individuals do not pick up on social cues, therefore when talking about sexuality it is important to use concrete terms. Use real terms to describe what you are talking about. Expect that your child will be a sexual being, and understand that with a diagnosis of autism often comes an inability to control impulse behaviors. It is important to be proactive when preparing yourself and your child for puberty. Teach him that it is okay to be a sexual being, but this is also a private time. Teach him about good touch versus bad touch so that he is not vulnerable. Let him know that you are comfortable (and work at it if you are not) with this type of conversation so that he can be comfortable too. Sometimes it's difficult to accept this reality (i.e., that they are sexual beings)

Siblings of Aspergers Children

"I would like some tips on how to teach a younger sibling (age 3, not in school yet due to rural location) not to pick up unwanted behaviours from his Asperger's brother." You might be concerned that your 3-year-old will pick up unwanted behaviours because he might have Asperger’s, also. Asperger’s does, indeed, have a genetic component. New research in the area of Asperger’s has shown that toddler siblings of Asperger's children are more likely to exhibit the same atypical behaviours as their brothers and sisters with the Asperger's, even when they don’t eventually develop the disorder. Andy Shih, PhD, of the Baby Sibling Research Consortium, states that this increases the importance of careful monitoring of high-risk siblings of children with Asperger’s for any signs of a disorder. If one should occur, you are well-situated for early intervention. If atypical behaviours occur, but there is no Asperger’s, you will feel relief at knowing that your second ch

Does My Student Have HFA?

“I’m a teacher and I think one of my students may have high functioning autism. What things should I look for in determining whether or not this child may have the disorder? Also, is it too early to approach the parents about my concern?” Click here for the answer...

Aspergers: Quick Facts

"Would you have a simple summary, kind of a snapshot, that describes the most relevant aspects of AS that I can give my Aspie son's teacher so that she can get a basic understanding of this disorder without having to read a book on it?"   Click here for the answer...

Autism: Quick Facts

Autism is: a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years a brain disorder that is associated with a range of developmental problems, mainly in communication and social interaction a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain, impacting development in the areas of social interaction and communication skills a developmental disability of the brain, much like dyslexia, mental retardation, or attention deficit disorder a developmental disability that affects a person's verbal and non-verbal communication, understanding of language, and socialization with peers a developmental disorder which is being diagnosed much more frequently today than it was ten years ago a lifelong, neurological disorder that significantly

Long-Term Side-Effects of Seroquel and Concerta

"My son with Asperger's is currently on Seroquel and Concerta. I would like to know the long-term side effects of these medications." Just as a precursor to this question (as it covers medication), I need to point out that I am not a doctor or medically trained individual and any information in this article is for information purposes only. You must seek appropriate medical advice from an approved health care practitioner for medical diagnosis and treatment. O.K., boring legal jargon out of the way, so let’s get on with the article … Seroquel is an antipsychotic medication that changes the chemical activity within the brain. It treats the symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression), which are psychotic disorders. Be aware that the following is a comprehensive list of possible reactions to Seroquel. It is rare that most or all of these symptoms will occur. As with most other medications, there are side effects when taking Seroquel. Thi

ASD and Anxiety Overload

"What can I do as a parent to help my Asperger's child to be less anxious about his upcoming trip to the zoo? His 5th grade class will be going on this field trip next week, and he is very nervous about it." Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and anxiety go hand-in-hand. It affects a child’s ability to communicate with others or to understand the world around him, and that’s bound to cause anxiety and panic sometimes. Anxiety becomes even worse when there is a change in the ASD child’s routine. Even positive and “fun” changes, like a school field trip or a visit to the zoo, can increase anxiety and aggressive behaviors. The renowned autism expert Tony Atwood is fond of putting it this way: “Autism is anxiety looking for a target.” For parents, the best course of action is to anticipate upcoming changes and help your child prepare for them. Many parents find it helpful to use stories and pictures to prepare children for impending disruptions. If it’s a field trip to the