
Will my Aspergers child’s symptoms get worse over time?


Will my Aspergers child’s symptoms get worse over time?


It doesn't actually worsen, but when a child with Aspergers (high functioning autism) reaches puberty, he/she can come under tremendous pressure and stress. So even though there is no actual cure for Aspergers, it can be made less noticeable if the Aspie is taught the correct ways to behave. This can mean going to occupational therapists, speech therapists, or the like. The more positive work you put towards helping your child, the less noticeable his/her Aspergers traits will be.

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Anonymous said...

Thank you for what you do...This was particularly helpful for me today in dealing with 14yr old son with Aspergers/


Anonymous said...

great advice-really hate the word 'aspie' though!

Anonymous said...

I noticed a big difference between boys and girls. It seems that when puberty start, the testosterone makes the boys more likely to act out when bullied or even become the bully. Here's a very good article to read. http://www.iancommunity.org/cs/articles/bullying

Anonymous said...

My Aspie (apologies to those who despise the term) has been having so much trouble lately. I can't seem to be able to help with anything right now. It is very frustrating. He is the only one of my kids that will not come to me with his problems. He is only 11, I want to find a solution before he gets much older. He feels so alienated and I feel like by not being able to help I am alienating him further.
I sometimes feel like I am leaving him in the dark all alone, while desperately searching for a light that won't come on, even when it is found. This makes me sad.

Unknown said...

Just found out I am on the spectrum. My needs are so complex. But I'm scared of the emotional implications of a diagnosis. Nicole

Anonymous said...

My son is 10 and I worry for him immensely due to having aspergers. Making friends is almost to impossible as he doesn’t understand the the social cues well and it makes me really sad even depressed at times as like someone else has said on here but I really want him to interact with other children so much but he doesn’t have many friends and no one wants to play with him I understand how those children feel around him but it makes him more anxious and suffers from anxiety as he doesn’t know how to be around other children and communicate well because of this I feel so bad in every way. Someone please advise anything is appreciated greatly just want there to be some light in this darkness

Anonymous said...

I am extremely nervous. I'm going to my second (and supposedly last) appointment for my evaluation. My counsellor told me last session that she is almost certain I have Asperger's. She just needed to wait to hear from my grandmother who raised me.

I wrote a paper in 2018 about how I thought I was autistic. My psychiatrist laughed and told asked me what I thought a diagnosis would do. I was offended. I put hours into that paper.

And to think my counsellor brought it up herself 2 years later...

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