
Supporting Your Aspergers Child To Make Friends


Anonymous said...

Your child will find friends in like minded activities or interests he or she has... Foster the interests and find ways for them to be involved with others that like the same (i.e. music, games, math, singing, wrestling, tv shows, science, or whatever else they LOVE). Too many times parents try to enroll their kids in groups or activities they don't even like... why bother? Your child knows exactly what they like... help them connect with others that do too. :)

Anonymous said...

has anyone lost a friend because their child has aspergers/autism? i have just lost a friend who has special needs children because she says i am "making my children handicapped". no one EVER wishes for their child to have autism or aspergers but if that is the case, getting all the necessary help for them is key and loving and accepting them regarding is in my mind the key. this to be is appalling that she would not be friends with me after the official diagnosis (and she has special needs kids too with different issues though). is it just me?

Anonymous said...

Marsha Wall Smith I havent been defriended, but I've been accused of 'labeling' my son too much. I just want others to know he has real medical issues, he's not just a 'bad kid' from bad parenting!!!
May 26 at 4:06pm · Like · 2 people
Karen Gomez Vega that is what she was saying i think-and i feel EXACTLY the way you do. you can not get help with out the "labels". my boys are very high functioning, so to some, it appears they are fine. i am proud of all the work they have done to get to this point because they were low functioning and only used sign language. it is amazing how cruel people can be. thanks for your response!
May 26 at 4:13pm · Like
David Lasee
I do not know if this will apply to your situation. I have noticed a that some parents with low functioning children are resentful of higher functioning kids diagnosis. My twins can "pass" as NT on good days. Some have implied my kids do not have autism because they can speak and have decent eye contact! Maybe it is a little like when people say African American's think someone is/isn't "black enough". Maybe my kids are not "Autistic enough" for some people.
Friday at 1:10pm · Like
Karen Gomez Vega i agree david-i think that may be part of her problem. thanks for your insight!
Friday at 3:51pm · Like
Zach Kieschnick
Ill tell you one thing Karen,,and I just lost a relationship to a woman with an aspie because of this. If you dont implement the right solutions, or worse, accept they will just be this way, you would be failing your child. Every child needs direction and aspies need twice as much. The work can be very intense and tiring for both parties. Its easy to misinterpret solutions or ideas as you being a bad parent, but in reality, the failure to implement solutions and ideas to help your child grow as a human being, that is the point where you would become a bad parent. Parents with aspies must be very understanding and thick skined when it comes to outside opinions on your childs care. My guess is, everyone would like to help.
4 hours ago · Like
Karen Gomez Vega THANKS Zach. I am sorry you lost a relationship-guess we are kinda in the same boat. It just totally shocked me that someone with special needs kids would think that getting continued help and diagnosis' for my children would be a negative thing. I have had several of our shared friends contact me to say that I am right to do what I am and I will not back down or apologize to anyone. Thank you for YOUR support! : )

Kelly tyler said...

I've ad similar problems. One parent scolded me and said that she would neverbhavevher child diagnosed! Really? She would just et her chile suffer and fall apart? I doubt it!

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