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Helping Aspergers Students Transition To High School

Young Aspergers (high functioning autistic) teens entering high school look forward to having more choices and making new and more friends; however, they also are concerned about being picked on and teased by older students, having harder work, making lower grades, and getting lost in a larger, unfamiliar school.

As Aspergers teens make the transition into high school, many experience a decline in grades and attendance. They view themselves more negatively and experience an increased need for friendships. By the end of the 10th grade as many as 6% drop out of school. For middle school students, including those who have been labeled "gifted" or "high-achieving," the transition into high school can be an especially unpleasant experience.

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Navigating Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Teenage Years: Insights and Strategies

As children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) approach their teenage years, they enter a transformative stage characterized by numerous ch...