
What are the long term outcomes for people with autism?

The long term outcomes for those with Aspergers syndrome (high functioning autism) depends on the severity of their symptoms, their baseline IQ, their ability to communicate and what kinds of interventions and support they receive.

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Anonymous said...

Chris Peters this makes sense. I've always said my son has come so far, but he still has a long way to go. starting treatments as early as possible, I believe, makes a huge difference too.

Anonymous said...

Amy Stewart Fortin I totally agree with you and this post! I never had treatment and had a hard time in school. My 12 year old gets straight A's and has a strong support system at home. I want so much more and better for him. :)
about an hour ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Tish Newman Im worried whem my son turns 18.... He can leagally drink and go to clubs etc and i know he is going to get in lots of trouble and worry about his saftey. He is 15 and a half and is gettimg alot of anger issues in the past few mths
am getting very worried about his safety
2 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Chris Peters Tish- that is my big fear too. Joey is almost 15 and has alot of anger issues too. we can't drink till 21 in NJ, but still, I worry about how he will just manage day to day living when he has such a short fuse and is big and can be violent.

Anonymous said...

Melissa Cove Voto Awww.. I have a Joey too!! He's 10 going into the 5th grade, and just recently become very physical with me. He's on the small side, as well as I am,but he doesn't even know his own stregnth.

Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear your son is improving everyday and has good family and outside support.. We have no real social group support for teens in our great state of RI...all they ever say is ..you can get on the list..my grandson suffers for this and I cry all the time..just don't know what to do...wish u and your family the best..my search goes on..markella carnevale of RI

Unknown said...

Glad to here your son is improving every day...I wish I could say the same..we don't have social support groups for teens in RI..just a long list to add our name to..very sad for my grandson..we search every day for help..brick walls are plenty in our great state of RI...I wish you and your family the best

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