
Sensory Meltdowns in Kids on the Autism Spectrum

“Why is my autistic (high functioning) son so sooo sensitive to certain clothing? He refuses to wear jeans and doesn’t like certain shoes and socks. I’ve made the mistake of forcing him to wear some of these things in the past, which resulted in a HUGE meltdown. He will react to certain clothing in the same way someone might react to accidently smashing their thumb with a hammer while trying to drive a nail. He also has a very very limited diet because he will gag on certain foods (e.g., anything green). And he has a startle response whenever a loud unexpected noise occurs (e.g., the blender). Any suggestions on how to work around these problems?” Sensory meltdowns are not uncommon for children with High-Functioning Autism (HFA) and Asperger’s (AS). A sensory meltdown is a reaction to feeling overwhelmed due to one or more of the senses becoming overloaded with too much information. The ruckus of an amusement park, the hustle and bustle of a back-to-school shopping trip, or the

How to Intervene When Your Child is Being Bullied at School

"My son (age 9) with high functioning autism tells me that he has been bullied by one of his classmates since the start of the school year. My son said he didn't mentioned it earlier because he didn't realize until recently that this other student was actually doing something "wrong" (go figure). How do you address bullying when the school seems to be indifferent about it – and has even blamed my son for initiating some of the conflict? If they don’t actually see the bullying taking place, they seem to assume that it’s not going on and that my son is simply exaggerating the problem." According to research, 94% of kids with High-Functioning Autism (HFA) and Asperger’s (AS) are bullied. Bullying usually begins when the HFA or AS student is harassed by another student (or a group of students), but is unable to resist and lacks the support of others. It usually continues if the student doing the bullying has little or no sympathy for the peer they are hu

Special Offer for Single Parents of Kids on the Autism Spectrum

This is Mark Hutten, M.A., owner of this website, and I have a message for all the single parents out there. If you've stumbled on this site, your day is going to get a lot better. I've bundled four of my information products for one low price -- with struggling single moms and dads in mind. I know from first-hand experience that many single parents are struggling financially -- especially when they are raising a child with "special needs." I'm specifically referring to those parents of children and teenagers with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism. As you can see below, these eBooks sell individually for $19.00 each, the audio book sells for $17.00, and the parent coaching service costs $49.00 -- for total of $123.00. But in the spirit of helping single moms and dads who need a break, your cost is a one-time fee of just $29.00.   This bundle includes three e-books, one audio book, and parent coaching: 1. How to Stop Meltdowns and Tantrums in