
Diagnosis of Autism and Resultant Parental-Grief

Question I have a son recently diagnosed with ASD [level 1] and am in denial about my family situation, but I want to start to take some control back ...where should I start? Answer The feelings you are experiencing are completely normal. A diagnosis of ASD level 1 (high functioning autism) brings with it a mourning process in some cases. Every parent faced with a life-changing situation will need time (some more than others) to sort out the emotions. Denial is natural. Even if the diagnosis has been a long time coming, you may still feel like someone ripped the rug from beneath your feet. Your first reaction, "not my child," is not just common but expected. Be aware that there are several steps in the mourning process. Anger and depression are other steps of mourning that can come at any time. The fact that you sense the need to take control shows that you are moving through the process. You are reaching acceptance. Your child needs you and you