
Teaching Aspergers Children the Social Etiquette of "Play"

Young people with Aspergers and High-Functioning Autism often have trouble with social interactions. Understanding what someone is saying and being able to react to it quickly and appropriately is critical to being part of a conversation. But some Aspergers kids can’t do that without help.

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Anonymous said...

Even w rules our kids still dont get it...its easier w family they have thier own language but play groups/school its a battle everyday..and bless my older one he always thinks hes the winner unless someone or something says hes not :P

Ella said...

Thank you for this article.

Just came back home from a day out with my son. It was very difficult day for him. We went to the zoo (that we always go to because he loves it) They also have a large playground there and he continually got into trouble with other kids, and at some point he became violent.

It was really sad to watch and I didn't know how to help him.

These problems are mostly in new places and new situations - at school he has many friends and is well loved (we always have kids fighting for playdates with him).

Why is there so much difference between playing with kids he knows and playing with new kids?

Is it because the rules and codes are not clear? How can I help him do better besides talking and playing with him? Is there a therapy/ course that can help?

I feel like I'm sending him to the battle without a strategy... I wish I could do more to help him and give him the right tools.

HollyArtist said...

It's quite interesting to read this today after having been to Pitch and Putt with my 12 year old Aspie, my partner and his 10 year old.

My son and my partners son get on extremely well but the concept of having to take turns and sometimes doing badly were very challenging.

I do find it very exhausting. I love him dearly but his lack of etiquette does put a strain on events that should otherwise be fun and relaxing.

I have learnt to deal with it by being incredibly flexible as to how I approach him. Being consistent, fair and just talking him through things. Talking and having relaxed discussions with my wonderful child is definitely the best way. But there is no let up. I have to be 'on the ball' the whole time.

I know I can't be with him all the time and all his life and I just hope I am helping him in some ways. That I am giving him coping tools.

Only time will tell.

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