
Disciplining the Aspergers Child: Special Considerations

"I hate Hate HATE that I run low on patience with my child (high functioning autistic)! I'm trying to be more patient every moment of every day. In my heart I wouldn't change a single thing about him. He didn't do anything to deserve having an autism spectrum disorder. Sometimes it just seems so unfair. In any event, how can I discipline him in a way that's effective such that (a) we don't have to keep trying to solve the same problem over and over again, and (b) I don't lose my patience with his slow progress? ~ Signed, bad dad :( "

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Anonymous said...

Robert Stretch Sippach, Avien E Sahlein Bost and Denise Csencsits Lauritzen Harfouche like this.

Yara Victória Pereira yes
26 minutes ago
Darla Lindauer Yes, I did loose my temper and I actually told people I did in my blog, I felt crazy after! I do it more than I say though.........http://aspergersmommy.blog​spot.com/2011/07/aspergers​-stop-asking-please-july12​.html
24 minutes ago
Marlene Biggy I'd like to meet the person who's never lost it even for a moment !!!! LOL
22 minutes ago · 1 person
Avien E Sahlein Bost More times than I care to admit to. It's tough!
16 minutes ago · 1 person
Marlene Biggy people living a 'charmed life' loose it all the time, why can't we??? if there's a magic pill you get with the diagnosis report,that miraculously changes your personality to have endless patience and instant ability to let EVERYTHING roll off your back, I'd like to say I did NOT get mine, and I now demand TWO!!! ;)
12 minutes ago
Liz M Iller Yes, I pray for patience every day.
9 minutes ago

sponsoredrebellion said...

Hello everyone,

I admit, I've gotten angry with my Aspie in the past but since I've read several books on the matter and now subscribe to blogs like these, my insight and patience has grown substantially. Thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

Robert Stretch Sippach I snapped one morning at my daughter and I cried I felt so small and bad about it and she told me it was OK and that she loves me !!!
9 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Carrie McLeod This article couldn't have come at a better time...I found another of my daughter's "projects" this morning. Toothpaste, hand soap, contact lens cleaner, sunscreen...everywhere! Today I was able to comfort her deep feelings of sadness with a calm reassuring voice while I cleaned her and everything up. Where did I pull this patience from?!!!!! Today is a good day!

Zoe said...

I thank my lucky stars that we found the RDI programme. I always say that without it, our family would have imploded because of the challenges that parenting a child with Aspergers can sometimes present. It can also be a lot of fun, of course, but we had to do a lot of work on our parenting and communicaton style in order to manage the difficult situations constructively. I've just written about the importance of good parental communication on my blog http://notnigellanotjamie.blogspot.com where you can also read about how RDI has helped us to become better parents and has helped my son to address some of his rigidity.

Anonymous said...

Robert Stretch Sippach I snapped one morning at my daughter and I cried I felt so small and bad about it and she told me it was OK and that she loves me !!!
Yesterday at 10:33am · Like · 1 person
Carrie McLeod This article couldn't have come at a better time...I found another of my daughter's "projects" this morning. Toothpaste, hand soap, contact lens cleaner, sunscreen...everywhere! Today I was able to comfort her deep feelings of sadness with a calm reassuring voice while I cleaned her and everything up. Where did I pull this patience from?!!!!! Today is a good day!
23 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Denice Molina Egilsson Thanks Marlene. Not only did you make me laugh and cry at the same time, you helped me feel much better about myself! I have my hands full with my three kids. One about to be 14 who is really struggling with is Aspie brother and with hormones(yikes). Of course my almost 12 year old Aspie son who is a delight and a challenge every other minute and then there is the diva princess 8 year old who evens out the package.
37 minutes ago · Like
Denice Molina Egilsson Oops did not finish....Just saying it is impossible not to have my own little meltdown every once in a while. Mostly though I try to breathe!!!! A LOT!
35 minutes ago · Like

Anonymous said...

liza Edwards Yes ~ and I hate Hate HATE it! I'm trying to be more patient every moment of every day. In my heart I wouldn't change a single thing about him. He didn't do anything to deserve having Asperger's. Sometimes it just seems so unfair. One moment, one day at a time~
Friday at 2:52pm · Like
Jean Low yes had my aspergers kids in the 60,s,no diagnosis,no support ,nothing,and yes i was cross and angrey lots of time,only after diagnosis when adult did it all make sense,so so wish we had known,
Friday at 5:37pm · Like · 1 person
Jenny Rooney I'm the same struggled for years, my son is 18 now, and still no definative proof, for years have thought it, but got no help, only when things have gone too far.

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