
Aspergers Children and Communication-Skills Training: 25 Tips for Parents

One of your Aspergers (high functioning autistic) youngster's greatest challenges is in the area of communication. As a parent, you will want to communicate in ways that will support your youngster's ease of understanding, and discover how best to assist your youngster in deciphering communication in everyday conversation.

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Anonymous said...

This is very good info, and very helpful!! Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Love this! I can use these with my high-functioning ASD son. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I have an ASD son also, and reading this makes me want to investigate whether he may have Aspberger's. This sounded EXACTLY like him. this will be sooooo useful!

greysfox said...

I needed this reminder- my kids go away to their birth mom's for the summer, and every year when they come back it's like a battle to get back to basic communication with them... This reminded me that some of that is my getting out of touch with their communications styles. Thank you.

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