
Is it ASD, ADHD, or Both?

"My 6-year-old son was diagnosed with ADHD at age 5. But now we are seeing signs that he may have 'high functioning' autism. What percentage of ADHD children also have autism? Is a dual diagnosis common?"
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Unknown said...

I don't know how to get a question to you so ill try this :/ my toddler is about to start therapies a couple times a week as he is showing some autistic tendencies. Thru research I found your videos on YouTube about living with an autistic spouse and I'm overwhelmed. It's almost as though you know my husband and I yet he has never been diagnosed with Anything other than adhd but the similarities are overwhelming! I am going to look into your material so I can learn how to handle it, but how do I talk to my husband about my findings without offending him?? Please I'm desperate to save my family and be who my boys need me to be :(

Unknown said...

Definitely have him tested my son is 12 and for several years we werw told he had ADD but I knew there was more to it he didnt have friends liked it better to play alone cried over everything wouldnt drink out of a cup if anyone else touched it,I was so frustrated with our schools and teachers wanting me to medicate him I finally got him diagnosed at age 9 and what a releif I can finally help him even though we still struggle I understand him much better and know what to do and not do but we are learning everyday

Unknown said...

The opposition surrounding me from family is unreal. But we are mom's! I know much boys inside and out. I called in the professionals because I knew I wasn't being who they needed me to be. I did talk to my husband and his response was "well baby that would explain why the whole time you were talking all I could think about was the oil pan on my truck, wanting to pull it off to fix it!" (He has an obsession with his truck, if something is wrong with it, that's literally ALL he can think about :/ I am doing all the research I need to become better at understanding how the autistic mind works. Last thing I want to do is lose my husband or set my baby up for failure!

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