
Reward System for Aspergers Children

Reward systems …do they work? We are trying to come up with some kind of reward system and what works??? Stickers? When he completes an assignment, he does not want to work at all, only on his terms. Click here for the answer...

Children Who Talk Excessively: What Parents and Teachers Can Do

My 7-year-old and soon-to-be step son never (never) stops talking and says everything he thinks. It is SO bad - (as is his severe interrupting) - that it is seriously affecting me and my boyfriends 3 year relationship. When we met he only had bi-weekly visitations. Now he was given full custody as his biological mother and her new husband cannot handle it. I am exhausted and cannot get a word in edgewise. BF says he is "used to it" and I just need to be more patient. Does the one-sided verbiage get better or worse with age? How can we teach him? How can I get it through to BF that his son is only going to stand out even MORE as he gets older if this isn't worked on? Click here for the answer...

Developing Friendships: Tips for Children and Teens with Aspergers

Question My daughter has difficulty socializing with her peers. One day, she has friends, and the next day no more. When conflicts arise, she doesn't know what to say, do. She doesn't know how to express in words her feelings. She tries, but it's confused. She sees things as black and white. How can I as a parent help her? Answer Here are some tips for those Aspergers (high functioning autistic) individuals who struggle with developing friendships: 1. Think about the person you want to be friends with. Anchor your thoughts on the other person. Here are some things to keep in mind: How might they feel about what you want to say? What might they think? What do you know or remember about them? What might they want to talk about? 2. Watch your non-verbal body language. Your physical presence ‘greases the wheel’ of conversation. How you present yourself physically will plant the seed in your friend’s mind that you want to talk to him/her. Here are som