
Children Who Talk Excessively: What Parents and Teachers Can Do

My 7-year-old and soon-to-be step son never (never) stops talking and says everything he thinks. It is SO bad - (as is his severe interrupting) - that it is seriously affecting me and my boyfriends 3 year relationship. When we met he only had bi-weekly visitations. Now he was given full custody as his biological mother and her new husband cannot handle it. I am exhausted and cannot get a word in edgewise. BF says he is "used to it" and I just need to be more patient. Does the one-sided verbiage get better or worse with age? How can we teach him? How can I get it through to BF that his son is only going to stand out even MORE as he gets older if this isn't worked on?

Click here for the answer...


Anonymous said...

Terrific work! This is the type of information that should be shared around the web. Shame on the search engines for not positioning this post higher!

Anonymous said...

What sometimes works is asking your kid to write everything he knows about the subject in an empty book or build a website about it (many aspies seem to enjoy coding!). Then when he or she has the urge to share and feels like they can't "hold it", they can share with the world through writing. And the parents can promise to read it later when they have time. It helps releave the pressure of feeling like its so important that they have to share it NOW.

Unknown said...

My son is also an "eternal" thinker. He too tends to obsess on the same topics. What has helped in our home is for him to write his thoughts into his ever-present computer. Then when he feels the need to express himself, he accesses his paper and reads it to himself quietly. This also gives him the opportunity to update his thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said 'at least he won't hide anything from me' is being too naive. Children like this quickly develop the art of subterfuge in order to achieve their self led goals. Not to mentioned to keep the attention on themselves, including creating home wrecking dramas

Unknown said...

Yes i agree. My son is exactly this way. Can't find any help

Anonymous said...

Hello. I am a 19 year old aspie. I was told that as a child I was extremely verbose but it dwindled with age because of ostracism. However, a solution would be to ask him to write his thoughts. (Paper and computer are equally good stims.)

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