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Aspergers Teens and Threats of Suicide

Question: Do people with Aspergers often take action on the threats they make when they blow up? My sister (who died tragically 5 years ago) has a 18 yr old so with AS. When he gets really worked up, he threatens to kill himself and "take others with him." His threats of suicide are often paired with "if I don't get what I want", not "I am so depressed I want to die." These threats seem to be more of a bullying technique instead of a cry for help. I hesitate to call the police because there is no other topic that sets him off more than the police.

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Tailored Disciplinary Methods for Autistic Children: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Disciplining children is a fundamental aspect of parenting, involving a delicate balance of guidance, correction, and nurturing. However, wh...