
Aspergers Children & Middle School

The following post was written by Myla, a 17-year-old middle school student with Asperger Syndrome [good advice for all]:

Aspergers information for middle school teachers is essential as the youngster suffering with the disorder will face social as well as behavioral problems as he grows up and enters middle school, especially because he will need to adjust with the more mature environments. The unfortunate part is that these kids are often not properly classified as having Aspergers at all because of several reasons, for example, if the youngster is good in studies or is not very prominently different compared to the others, he may not be noticed at all, until and unless the Aspergers youngster suddenly bursts in an extremely inappropriate manner due to the pressure that has built up in him over time. They are thus misunderstood by their peers, educators and even moms & dads and their peculiar habits are blamed on emotional and motivational issues.

The social environment of middle school is tough for a youngster with Aspergers, it is a place where rules are strict and being different means either mistreat or isolation from the peers. What will happen due to the teasing and isolation is that the Aspergers youngster will withdraw further into shell due to the contrast between his wish of making friends and the reality of his inability to do so. Non-cooperation, angry and violent behavioral outbursts and depression are the most frequent symptoms seen in Aspergers kids during middle school. The youngster might be hardly recognizable as someone having Aspergers, especially if he has no learning disorders because then his academics would most likely be great. However, tendency to misinterpret data and communicating with idiomatic language might be torturing the youngster.

The most important way to help a youngster with Aspergers is by understanding him or her and the developmental disorder, and that’s most important for the moms & dads and secondly for the school staff. These kids cannot be treated as other general kids meaning the youngster will require special treatment from the school staff as they react differently to the different stimuli. Humorous and kind affectionate behavior from teachers would definitely influence the youngster with positive effects like better mood and social skills, because the emotional attitude of the teacher will affect the Aspergers youngster unconsciously and involuntarily.

Resource Rooms or tutorials for these kids are often helpful in case they have learning disabilities although such cases are not always observed. Social skills training by the school counselor can be quite an effective move to help the kids with Aspergers and if an issue with pragmatic language is observed, then the school therapist would most probably be able to help in a great way. An important thing to remember is that one should avoid surprise tests and quizzes while teaching the Aspergers kids; they mostly are uncomfortable on being surprised. Aspergers kids tend to follow rules with absolute perfection therefore they should be subjected to more flexible and special rules. Schedules, pictures, lists and other visuals are great ways to connect with these kids, rewarding also works great as far as learning is concerned. Educators can also associate the youngster’s special interest with his teachings therefore making it easier for him or her to learn.

The above are a few bits of important information which can be really useful to the teachers of the middle school while teaching Aspergers kids, moms & dads, however, has the most important duty as the youngster’s personality will mostly shape on how he is being treated at home by his or her moms & dads. Also it is the duty of the moms & dads to understand their youngster’s problem and take the appropriate steps to ensure that he or she has a good and safe life ahead.



Anonymous said...

Sherri Caldwell Excellent points and very helpful, thanks! I have a 6th grade Aspie going back to public school after two years homeschooling. It is an adventure. I wrote a two-part article for teachers, parents and other adults - currently at http://www.rebelhousewife.com/. I hope it helps--
about an hour ago · Like
Karen Gomez Great article! I also want to thank Sherry I will be bringing your article to my sons teacher, he was recently diagnosed and he will be starting the 7th grade next week!

Anonymous said...

Maggie Moody Walker They are a product of their environment, they mirror back what is given to them ~ I have been saying this for many years, to no avail.
about an hour ago · Like
Sherri Caldwell
I feel like I am deluging my son's teachers with emails & info this first two weeks of school, but then I remember how he doesn't come out of his shell until he's comfortable (which takes a while), so if I don't step in and let them know what's going on, they won't have a chance to get to know this amazing kid and it will be a nightmare for him. Ultimately, our kids need to transition to self-determination and self-advocacy, but they are delayed in those kinds of things and until they are able to, it's up to parents to help bridge the gap. Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Parenting Aspergers Children - Support Group
This is a common fear that parents of spectrum kids have. Middle school, as we all know, is cruel to everyone, and especially to those who are different.
26 minutes ago · Like · 4 people
Kelly Marchand Furgason i think could have written that original post!!! Thank you for sharing
24 minutes ago · Like · 1 person
Marlene Biggy
I only ask my daughter to conform in two ways..... dress more like the other kids and less like a cartoon character or superhero..... gain a basic knowledge of "what the other kids are into" so she can participate in a conversation of THEIR choosing. I figure both of those will help her "fit in" without having to give up TOO much of her own individuality..... But afterschool and weekend clothes are entirely up to her, and she can talk my ear off about Pokemon or video games anytime she'd like :)
19 minutes ago · Like · 4 people
Milissa Schaming Ludwig Kernstock Ditto .........thanks for sharing this post!
16 minutes ago · Like
Christina Carr My son is in middle school this yr and it is nerve wreaking! I say let them make there own choices and they will thrive. We are only in week one of school and he told me this is the best school that he has ever been too :)
10 minutes ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Jamie Peet-Googins My son is now entering 8th grade. He had a wonderful transition to middle school. The staff has been great and he has had great experiences with other students. I worried so much before he started middle school, thinking he would get bullied. My advice is to try and not worry too much about it. Don't try and change your child. Deal with problems as they come. You & your child will survive the middle school years.
about a minute ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Tish Newman They find their way eventually with support from teachers special ed and our support. Only so much u can do. They have to learn themselves....
4 hours ago · Like
Nicole Withers Glenn Thankfully my son has grown up with the same group of kids and will be attending middle school with them. They are very caring of my child and look out for him. Thanks to the wonderful teachers who have taught these children about Aspergers and have answered questions so that the children can understand what's going on.
4 hours ago · Like
Carla Jay My son started middle school this year. I was so worried. He gets stressed out so easily and has trouble changing gears. I had him placed in a self contained class room that only has about seven students. He likes it so far and really likes that he does not have to switch classes like everyone else. He is very bright so he is able to still work on grade level in that class. All the students in his class are taught on an individual level because they are not all on grade level. There is a teacher and an aid in the class so everyone gets the attention they need. He is able to go out for band ( which he loves) and is joining drama club . I never wanted him pulled out of regular Ed classes because he is so bright and I wanted him to learn to be friend with his peers. The reality is he was not functioning well in a class with 25 or more kids and his peers were not being accepting of him because he is different. So we started fresh at a new school and decided to change his classroom environment. It is working out good this year so far. He had such a hard time last year. He was getting very depressed from being picked on all day . With this small class the teacher has time to watch how the students are treating each other.I have never tried to change him I think kids should be loved and accepted for who they are. If he wants to talk about pokemon and little big planet all day then why shouldn't he. He does not make friends easily and has been picked on a lot but I try to teach him you don't want to be friends with people who don't like you for who you are. It is hard to watch your child struggle to be accepted. I pretty much started freaking out about him having to go to the jr high the beginning of last school year. I spent all last year going to meeting after meeting to make sure the transition would be easier for him. I prayed about it everyday and so far it has been ok.

Anonymous said...

Sherry Barden Cumbie
My son started 10th grade this year. 6th grade was the hardest for him, but thanks to a wonderful guidance counselor and teachers, he made it through fine. He has made wonderful friends who "have his back" as he puts it. They watch out for him. He has had his problems, but as maturity has kicked in, each year seems to get better and better. Just be there for your son, give him one on one time daily if at all possible to talk about his day, that seems to have made a big difference for my son.
August 25 at 8:45am · Like
Carol Morris
If you already have an IEP that should help; just be sure to ask teachers what their concerns are early and often so issues can be addressed. We found our gifted son getting in trouble for not completing work, and it turned out to be due to his slower processing combined with the social and sensory stimulation - class changes, different teachers, different classmates, etc. More structure, such as inclusion or self contained classes, would have helped.
10 hours ago · Like

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