
How To Teach Social Skills to Your Aspergers or HFA Child

"I would like to know how to advise my son with ASD [level 1] on social skills, such as relating to friends without being insulting to others and driving them away." 
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•    Anonymous said... We show them the proper ways and the kids of today are so far off that they cannot handle our kids with very graceful manners.I feel like it is a lost cause.I have seen too many people look at my daughter as if she were from Mars.
•    Anonymous said... My 5 yr old grandchild is already getting bullied in our neighborhood. She just started kindergraden and Im afraid of how they will treat her in school. She doesnt react the same way as other children
•    Anonymous said... Not sure if this helps but early on ...I put my child in a GirlScout group and helped the group (using role play) to identify different ways they could demonstrate with their body exclusion or how to ostracize someone from a group. For example: Crossing their arms and turning away from their friend, rolling their eyes, not answering their friend when they spoke to them. We then talked about how this affected the person and if they ever felt this way or saw this happen to someone else. Group behavior changed immediately when we talked about ways to include with body language and words. Most children are learners and don't even realize what they are doing when they are younger. This group of girls (from what I'm told because we moved) have continued to be "helpers." If you can get your child in a group with other children and teach them social skills that is your answer. If all schools incorporated this into their program at the elementary school level it would cut down on a lot of bullying behavior.

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Anonymous said...

I have a seven year old daughter, and we role play or reverse the conversation to show her how she sounds to others. Sometimes it clicks for her, sometimes it takes time. I know there are some kids that avoid her, maybe because she offended them, or something. She has a core group of friends, I think even having one good friend who understands him is fine. I've had to learn to make every single awkward moment a learning moment for her, sometimes it's exhausting, but when you see the results, it's worth it!

Anonymous said...

Another suggestion I received was to have your child watch a show with the sound off (muted)and then ask him/her what they think the person is feeling based on the expressions the child is seeing. And then you can discuss what those feelings are all about.

Anonymous said...

I dont know what other people think about Big Bang Theory, but my 11-year-old son sometimes sees that he does some of the annoying things still-loveable Sheldon does... like insisting on 'his' spot on the couch. Having seen it (a visual thing) and recognised it, he seems to be able to think about that and then change his behaviour (he very suddenly moved places at the dinner table-the night of that episode!!)

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