
How to Change Unwanted Behavior in Young People on the Autism Spectrum

“It is very frustrating not being able to change or modify the rigid behaviors that my son exhibits, for example, picky eating, rudeness to others, lack of motivation …just to name a few. Is there anything that can be done to help him be more open to change and flexibility?” Most kids with High-Functioning Autism struggle with social skills, communication, and a limited diet, which can cause any of these issues: behavioral problems communication problems desire for isolation lack of incentive sensory issues  social problems dropping into a state of depression, thus making the original problems that much worse Social skills and living skills therapy may be the most popular areas of concentration when treating kids and teens (and even adults) with High-Functioning Autism. These therapies are widely available and do bring about effective progress in most cases. Providing incentive is the key to improving your youngster’s circumstances. Actually, incentive is a factor any