
Informal Quiz for Parents: Does My Child Have High-Functioning Autism?

“We suspect that our 6 y.o. son has autism (the high functioning end of the spectrum). I know you can’t diagnose a child with an autism spectrum disorder via the internet, but is there an informal quiz or test that will give us a hint as to whether or not we should pursue a formal assessment? And where do we go to have him checked?” Of course, parents will only know for sure if their child has High-Functioning Autism (HFA) by getting a professional diagnosis. Having said that, if you answer “no” to most of the questions below (1 - 21), seeking a formal assessment would be warranted: Are people important to your child?  Can your child easily dress him/herself? Can your child easily tie his/her shoes? Can your child keep a two-way conversation going? Can he/she ride a bicycle (even with stabilizers)? Does your child care about how he/she is perceived by the rest of the group? Does your child enjoy joking around? Does he/she enjoy sports? Does your child find it easy to inte