
Should You Home-School Your ASD Child?

"I am considering home schooling for my autistic son (high functioning) starting the next school year due to the multiple issues we have had with school officials. There appears to be a gross lack of awareness of the needs of students on the autism spectrum in this district, and we feel our son is being left to 'die on the vine'. Are you a proponent for this alternative form of education? What factors do I need to consider before making a decision?" Home-schooling is a popular educational alternative for many moms and dads of kids with ASD or High-Functioning Autism, especially if they are tired of nagging school officials to accommodate their "special needs" son or daughter. However, there are some important issues to consider before making the decision to home-school. If you're considering this option, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Are you ready for the critics? Home-schooling has come a long way in terms of acceptance by the general