
Avoiding Meltdowns at the Dentist: Tips for Parents of Kids on the Spectrum

"My  son would rather have a mouth full of cavities - and the pain that goes with it - than go to the dentist. Are there ways to help a child with high functioning autism to become less fearful of dental work?" Young people with ASD level 1, or High-Functioning Autism, have the same rate of dental problems as the general population. As hard as it is for most kids to go to the dentist, it’s even harder to have a positive dental experience for kids on the autism spectrum. Even so, there are some things you can do to improve the dental experience for your child. Below are some tips. Some will work - some won't. But everything here is worth a try: Visit the dentist’s office before an actual visit. Have the child touch the equipment. Explain to the child what will happen. Have the child bring a comfort item like a favorite toy or blanket. It is a good idea to have a gradual and slow exposure  to the environment of the dental office so your child doesn’t g

The Silent Bullying of Children on the Autism Spectrum

"Josh, our 7-year-old son with [high-functioning] autism, has had 5 weeks of school so far. My husband and I have noticed a change (for the worse) in his behavior ever since he started. We suspect he is being bullied by a particular individual, but Josh has not come right out and told us if this is indeed going on. Any advice?" Young people with ASD level 1, or High Functioning Autism, unfortunately, are at a higher risk of being bullied or teased than other children. This can happen on the playground, in the classroom - and even in your own home. Because many of these kids have some social and communication difficulties, they often can’t tell grown-ups exactly what is happening. Thus, parents and teachers may have to consider bullying as a cause when certain behaviors occur or worsen in the child. Here are a few examples: One of the things you’ll notice is an increase in isolation and a decreased tolerance in being around peers. The ASD child may throw temper