
The 10 Best Essential Oils for Anxious Kids on the Autism Spectrum

Parents would do well to give a few of these essential oils a try as they relate to calming children who experience more than their fair share of anxiety and lack of focus: 1. Bergamot Oil : Often used to reduce pain caused by headaches and muscle tension. Known as an excellent mood enhancer, it's considered a great essential oil for kids on the autism spectrum. It's a relaxant and has a calming effect and can reduce feelings of stress in the "special needs" child. 2. Cedarwood Oil : This essential oil can help young people on the autism spectrum who also have ADHD. It has calming and relaxing properties that promote the release of serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin in the brain. This can help kids on the spectrum to enjoy restorative and peaceful sleep. 3. Chamomile Oil : It's one of the best oils when it comes to coping with anxiety. According to a study published on Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and Pharmacogn

Effective Behavior-Management Techniques for Kids on the Spectrum

"What do you do differently when disciplining a child with ASD relative to how you handle a 'typical' child?" From the moment you heard about your child’s diagnosis of Asperger’s (AS) or High-Functioning Autism (HFA), you knew life would be more challenging for him or her than for “typical” children. So when you ask your “special needs” child to do something and it's not done, you let it go. Maybe you fear that what you would like your child to do, or not do, is impossible for him or her to achieve? But the truth is this: If you feel that your child doesn't deserve discipline, it's like telling him or her, "I don't believe you can learn." And if YOU don't believe it, how will your youngster come to believe it? What professionals call "behavior management" is not about punishing or demoralizing an AS or HFA youngster. Rather, it's a way to set boundaries and communicate expectations in a nurturing, loving way. Corre

Helping Asperger's and High-Functioning Autistic Teens To Cope With Life

 "I need some tips on how to deal with my HFA teenager. We're dealing with so many issues at the moment - depression, social isolation, backtalk, failing grades, and the list could go on and on here..." Parenting adolescents brings many challenges – hormonal changes, self-identity, and the pressure of being socially acceptable, just to name a few. When you add Asperger’s or High Functioning Autism (HFA) to the equation, the element of difficulty increases significantly. Parents can help their “special needs” adolescents, but this begins with becoming knowledgeable about what they face. Parents should learn as much about the disorder as possible and how they can support and help these young people face their challenges. The “typical” teenager is really into his or her friends. The tools for developing social skills as an adolescent are shared experiences and conversation with peers . But, for the teenager who has poor social skills or struggles to communicate, t