
Mood Disorders in Children with High-Functioning Autism

Mood disorders are mental health problems (e.g., depression, bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, anxiety disorder) that can occur in anyone, including young kids and teenagers. The cause of mood disorders is not fully understood, but an imbalance in brain chemicals play a role. It is normal for a child’s mood to change, and most kids go through times of feeling sad. However, when these feelings last for a very long time or interfere with daily functioning, he or she may have a mood disorder. Symptoms of mood disorders include: an elevated mood (i.e., mania) that is accompanied by feelings of grandiosity, extreme energy, and heightened arousal changes in appetite difficulty concentrating fatigue feelings of inadequacy  feelings of sadness guilt helplessness hopelessness irritability suicidal thoughts trouble engaging in daily tasks trouble in relationships When considering the diagnostic criteria for Asperger’s (AS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA