
Fostering Self-Awareness in Children on the Autism Spectrum

“I have a daughter with (high functioning autistic). She has numerous sensory sensitivities (certain food, noise, textures of clothing, temperature, just to name a few), which overloads her to the point of meltdown. She is a perfectionist and very sensitive to feelings of embarrassment and humiliation. Nothing seems to console her when she gets angry and upset. When I ask what is bothering her, she says she doesn’t know. How can I help her?” If you want to raise a well-adjusted child (which I’m sure you do), a great place to start is with fostering self-awareness in your daughter. When you promote the development of self-awareness, you are raising your daughter to be mindful of her emotions and mind patterns, and why she is feeling or behaving or thinking a certain way. This will require that you view your child from a place of mindful awareness, without judgment or preconceived expectations (easier said than done). But, if you will practice adding more mindfulness to your o

COMMENTS & QUESTIONS [for July, 2015]

  Do you need some assistance in parenting your Aspergers or HFA child? Click here to use Mark Hutten, M.A. as your personal parent coach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the search for information that could potentially help Lisa and us to a less distressful everyday life,  I stumbled over your e-book "The Aspergers Comprehensive handbook". After just talking a very short glance at the now successfully downloaded pdf-file, I can only conclude that it indeed seems comprehensive. I like that it in a straight forward way adresses everyday problem situations and ways of dealing with them. We really need that kind of support. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Dear Mr. Hutten, I purchased your book in and around May 5th.  My husband has Asperger's (along with other issues including many many incidences of infidelity, more recently I found out even with men) and somehow, through these many issues, we have been married for 35 years, very very rough years and I am no