
Overwhelming Emotional States in Children with Asperger's and HFA

Unlike temper tantrums, meltdowns are triggered by anxiety – not anger. The child with Asperger’s, or High-Functioning Autism, is in an overwhelming emotional state due to environmental stressors around him or her. This, in turn, can produce the fight-or-flight response, where removing the child from the situation (i.e., flight) is often the best option. Noisy and crowded places, florescent lighting in stores, other people’s cologne or perfume, etc., all cause neurological responses in the child where his or her brain is over-stimulated and needs to “reset.” Usually, the best way to reset an over-stimulated brain is to have the child go to a quiet place – alone! In this way, his or her emotional alarm system will have the time and space to wind down. The following videos will provide additional information regarding meltdowns in Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism:  ==> How To Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums In Children With High-Functioning Autism and Asperger&#

Is it High-Functioning Autism, ADHD -- or Both?

“My high functioning autistic son has difficulty paying attention in school (3rd grade). He is also somewhat hyper most of the time. My husband and I are beginning to wonder if he has ADHD instead of – or in addition to – high functioning autism. Are these two disorders similar? And do some high functioning autistics also get the ADHD diagnosis?” Hyperactivity and inattention are common in kids with High-Functioning Autism (HFA), particularly in early childhood. Differential diagnostic considerations are paramount, particularly in the context of HFA. Hyperactivity and inattention are seen in a variety of other disorders (e.g., developmental receptive language disorders, anxiety, and depression). Therefore, the appearance of inattention or hyperactivity does not point exclusively to ADHD. The compatibility of the child and his school curriculum is particularly important when evaluating symptoms of hyperactivity and inattention. There is a risk that a school program that is poo