
Trouble-Shooting Tips for Teachers of Asperger's/HFA Students

“Would you happen to have a snapshot or simple summary of strategies my HFA son’s teacher could use to help him cope with school-related anxiety. He gets stressed-out over something, and then has a meltdown, which his teacher seems unable to deal with effectively. I need something (like a fact sheet) that she can refer to quickly when in the middle of a crisis. Thank you.” Sure thing ! I’ll try to keep it short and to the point... Dear Teacher, In order to create an effective intervention for problem behaviors associated with Asperger's and High Functioning Autism (HFA), follow these steps: 1. Hypothesize the function of the problem behavior (e.g., escape/avoidance, sensory feedback, social attention, wants tangible item or activity, etc.). 2. Gather information . a. Antecedent— Does the problem behavior occur: Following a request to perform a difficult task? Repeatedly, in the same way for long periods of time, even when no one is around?  When a r