
Getting Your Child's School To Take You Seriously

"My son with autism (high functioning) has really been floundering during his first year of school. He's in the 1st grade and having all kinds of run-ins with his teacher and is making mostly D's and F's so far. The teacher asserts that the problem is 'his behavior'.  What can I do to control this damage before it's beyond control?" Parents should start by speaking with their high-functioning autistic (HFA) or Aspergers youngster's teachers, school counselors, or the school's student support team to begin an evaluation. Each U.S. state has a Parent Training and Information Center and a Protection and Advocacy Agency that can help parents get an evaluation. A team of professionals conducts the evaluation using a variety of tools and measures. The evaluation will look at all areas related to the youngster's abilities and needs. Once the youngster has been evaluated, she has several options depending on the specific needs. If the you