
Insomnia in Teenagers with Autism Spectrum Disorder

"Any advice on what to do for a teenager with ASD who has severe insomnia?" According to the research, insomnia is a significant problem for ASD (high functioning autistic) teens compared to "typical" teens. Whether it is due to anxiety, noise, caffeine, or physical discomfort, these tips may help your teenager get a good night’s sleep: 1. Avoid caffeine, especially after 12:00 PM. Some ASD teens are sensitive to caffeine. It's highly unlikely for these young people to have a caffeine habit (e.g., Mountain Dew) and not be an insomniac. 2. Weighted blankets and soft sheets are a must. 3. Quiet blankets are supportive of a good night’s rest as well. A crackly sheet or comforter can wake the “light sleeping” teenager with the slightest movement. 4. Does your son or daughter scratch a lot at night? He or she is probably allergic to the detergent, or you may be putting too much soap in the wash and not getting a clean rinse. 5. Chamomile tea ha

Parenting Tips for Raising Aspies

Here are some important parenting strategies, specific to the Aspergers condition: