
“Adults with Aspergers and HFA – Support Group”

Adults with Aspergers and HFA – Support Group is a Facebook community page designed for individuals with Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, PDDs, and other neurological differences. We provide a discussion forum where members communicate with each other, a sister website with exclusive articles and how-to guides, and a chatroom for real-time communication with other Aspergers/HFA adults. Go to Adults with Aspergers and HFA – Support Group Comment:  I met Jeremy two years ago and recognized Aspberger's almost immediately. We had this great connection, though. We became good friends and my feelings developed from there. He told me repeatedly for a year and a half that he didn't want to be anything more than my friend, but I remained in his life because we had fun together and I believed his friendship was genuine. I also believed that nothing more than friendship would develop, particularly knowing his limitations, and although it was difficult, I wanted to keep him i