
Educational Strategies for the Aspergers Student

Children with Aspergers (high functioning autism) can have difficulty in the classroom often because they fit in so well. Many may miss the fact that they have a diagnosis. When these kids display symptoms of their condition, they may be seen as defiant or disruptive. Learning about Aspergers in general and about the specific characteristics of your "Aspie" student will help you effectively manage his or her behavior in the classroom. Below are some helpful hints that can guide everyday school life for students with Aspergers. They can be applied to children with Aspergers across the school years and are applicable to almost all environments: 1. A buddy system can be helpful to Aspergers students. In social situations, the buddy can help the Aspie handle these situations. 2. Any changes―unexpected changes, in particular―can increase anxiety in a child with Aspergers; even changes considered to be minor can cause significant stress. Whenever possible, provide

Aspergers Adults and Relationship Difficulties

Question My son and my husband both have an Aspergers diagnosis. My husband and I no longer live together, and the diagnosis came a year after we separated, following my son’s. My husband no longer wants to work at the relationship and has given up (in my opinion). The divorce paperwork has been initiated. 1) How do you handle a spouse who refuses to accept the diagnosis and its impact on the marriage? 2) How do you handle extended family that refuse to accept the diagnoses (of your child/your spouse) - and continue to blame and lash out at the partner for all problems. 3) What do you do in the case of tactile sensitivities and no interest in sex? How can a spouse handle this? Answer Re: How do you handle an Aspergers spouse who refuses to accept the diagnosis/ and its impact on the marriage? Accepting the diagnosis is not all that important really. What is important is that he understands that he has some areas of weakness (as we all do) on his end – regardle

Helping Aspergers and HFA Teens Cope With Life

The teenage years are the most difficult time for young people with Aspergers (AS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA). Most experts do a great job of presenting the problems these teens face, but they offer few solutions. Below are 50 tips for parents who want to help their "special needs" teenager survive and thrive during the tough adolescent years: 1. A regular bed time at a reasonable hour is more important than ever, if you can put/keep it in place. Regular routines of all kinds—familiar foods, rituals, vacations—are reassuring when the adolescent’s body, biochemistry, and social scene are changing so fast. 2. A regular bed time for the adolescent gives you time you can count on each evening for yourself and/or your spouse. If you can build in regular respite—such as a night your adolescent spends with a grandparent once a month—go for it, and plan ahead for some relaxation, fun, or culture. (Divorced moms and dads may be able to count on a little time al

Checklist of Asperger Traits

Personal/Physical— • Being "in their own world" • Can engage in tasks (sometimes mundane ones) for hours and hours • Can spend hours in the library researching • Clumsiness • Collects things • Difficulty reading body language, facial expression and tone • Doesn't always recognize faces right away (even close loved ones) • Early in life they often have a speech impediment • Eccentric personality • Excellent rote memory • Flat, or blank expression much of the time • Highly gifted in one or more areas (e.g., math, music) • Idiosyncratic attachment to inanimate objects • Intense focus on one or two subjects • Likes and dislikes can be very rigid • Limited interests • Loves learning and information • May frequently repeat what you've just said • May have difficulty staying in college despite a high level of intelligence • Non-verbal communication problems • Preoccupied with their own agenda • Repetitive routines or rituals • Sensitivity to the textu