
What is the best way to communicate with my Aspergers child?

Question What is the best way of effectively communicating things to my child with Aspergers? Answer Communicating with a child who has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be a delightful experience. It can just as often be a frustrating experience. Children with ASD can have a wide range of communication skills, so it’s important to tailor any communication specifically to your child. Many times, you’ll have to try some communication techniques to see if they’re effective. Be sensitive when speaking with a child with Asperger’s (high functioning autism). Understand that your child might not be able to maintain eye contact or that he might not want you sitting close to him or touching him. Understand that you will need to teach him how to communicate effectively. Using a tool such as Interactive Training Cards, created by Joan Green, can help you teach your child about communication. Interactive Training cards were developed by special educators specifically t

Teaching Strategies for Children and Teens with ASD – Level 1

Everything your autistic child's teacher needs to know [share this post with him or her]: Initially it is necessary to understand the nature of the ASD student in regards to curriculum education. Safran (2002) indicates many of the characteristics of ASD can be "masked" by "average to above average IQ scores." (p. 284). This can result in the ASD being misunderstood by instructors. Safran (2002) explains that adults often presume the student is capable of more than is being produced. Lack of understanding of the ASD student in this way can significantly impede the desire of the instructor to search for strategies useful in overcoming the hindrances caused by the disability. Another misunderstanding is the relationship between curriculum and social education. For example, a youngster with ASD might find a social setting overwhelming and distracting. If kids are placed in a small group for project work this might predominantly become a social setting to an