
The Rage Cycle in Aspergers: Group Discussion

I am reading about the rage cycle with Aspergers or High Functioning Autistic kids. One of my son's problems is his meltdowns and tantrums. The cycle is supposed to have three parts: 1) Rumbling (like warnings of thunder) 2) Rage (the storm) 3) Recovery (the calm after the storm. Sometimes if handled poorly it can merely be the eye of the storm). Various suggestions were made regarding interventions during the rumbling stage. My son's camp therapist has not been successful at preventing blow ups. As a matter of fact, a good day seems to be followed by a seriously bad day. Does anyone have any experience working with this? ==================================================== Oh, I know these tantrums very well. They're very hard to get under control. I don't know what methods my mother used on me. Or better I don't know what method worked. I know what she tried. She tried to bring me in my room and let me stay there until I cal