
Helping Older Aspergers and HFA Teens Find Work

RE: "How can I get my 19-year-old Aspergers son to stop playing video games long enough to go find a job? I try to tell him that he needs to be working at least part-time at this age – but he’s not interested. (*sigh*)"

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Anonymous said...

Susie Montz Hrenko Maybe he can get a job at Game Stop or some other video game place? My son is only 8, but I'm thinking it might be a good match because of his video game obsession.
16 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Marlene Biggy whenever I walk into game-stop, I play a mental game of 'find-the-aspie'...... and it never fails, there's ALWAYS a clerk who fits the description, and the one I go to for HONEST answers to my questions :)
16 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Beth Ann Arbogast Best buy is always a good option too
16 hours ago · Like
Alice Unzueta D Ajenjo He maybe could be a teacher and help little kids to learn how to use computers, playgames, etc...
15 hours ago · Like
Lisa Hunter Mears I thought the same thing about Game Stop- a perfect match.
14 hours ago · Like

Shannon Moore said...

I agree with all these comments - Game stores, and for other Aspies: pet stores, book stores, whatever their interest is. They will get to be an expert and they will be taught retail/social scripts that will be invaluable to them to fall back on in life when they need to call banks/doctors/utilities. Tech support is also a great job idea. Ultimately, for someone like this - Video game testing and design could be a lucrative field. Look into classes at the community college (programming, art/design) that could provide the hard/transferable skills. See if there are any gaming conferences etc. in your area. If you're near universities or hightech there are sometimes these things as people are looking into engineering the future of games for educational use. Depending on your child's abilities and interests - describe the potential for a future in creation over consumption. This appeals to Aspies that love innovation, analysis, and/or drawing and character creation.

Shannon Moore said...

I agree with all these comments - Game stores, and for other Aspies: pet stores, book stores, whatever their interest is. They will get to be an expert and they will be taught retail/social scripts that will be invaluable to them to fall back on in life when they need to call banks/doctors/utilities. Tech support is also a great job idea. Ultimately, for someone like this - Video game testing and design could be a lucrative field. Look into classes at the community college (programming, art/design) that could provide the hard/transferable skills. See if there are any gaming conferences etc. in your area. If you're near universities or hightech there are sometimes these things as people are looking into engineering the future of games for educational use. Depending on your child's abilities and interests - describe the potential for a future in creation over consumption. This appeals to Aspies that love innovation, analysis, and/or drawing and character creation.

Exhausted said...

I told my son not to put he had a disability for M&S as I thought he may not get asked to interview. He got through to an interview after spending 3 hours inputting all the info onto laptop inbetween going for a shave and checking his phone. He wore a suit One hour of Roleplay first but after having a real mean customer who wasn't happy with anything(roleplay) he just laughed as he said there was nothing left on the list to offer. He did say that if he worked in the store he would have remembered where every item was in the store. He didn't even get to the interview stage. M&S said if they had know he has ASD then they would of made things clearer. With Aldi he forgot to check emails even though I told him a thousand times to check daily. He was offered to come in for an hour IN JUNE! He cannot apply now for 12 months. He back at college Monday but wants £50 a week to go out with friends. I now work full time as bus/train fair is £40 a week.I know once he gets a job I will not see him but for now xbox and parties with his 100 best friends

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