
When and How to Tell Children They Have Asperger's

Image Source: Pixabay   Discovering that your child has Asperger’s is a challenging situation for any parent. You may feel worried or overwhelmed, unsure of how to tell your child about their diagnosis. While it’s natural to feel anxious, it’s essential to have a conversation with your child. Your child has the right to know and understand why they might be different from their peers. As a parent, it's your responsibility to ensure your child receives the support they need. In this post, we’ll explore when and how to tell your child about their Asperger’s diagnosis. Age and Maturity While there is no right time, experts suggest that it’s best to have the conversation before your child enters adolescence. Children are aware of their differences early on, and if you delay the conversation for too long, they may develop feelings of confusion and isolation. Children with Asperger's may already be aware of their difficulties in certain areas, like social interactions, m

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  “I have a ten-year-old boy with ASD who is high functioning. We are consistent with making him aware of what is socially unacceptable and why. It seems to go in one ear and out the other though. For instance, at meal time we always tell him to eat with his mouth closed. He will do as we say for 20 seconds and then he’s right back to chewing with his mouth open. We have sent him to eat in the other room, or we take away dessert if he continues after the fourth prompt. We have had no success for the past 2 years! Do you have any ideas or do you think that it’s something he can’t help?” This can be a “Catch-22” situation because, even though you want your son’s behavior to change in a positive manner, it might become more resistant or rigid if he is confronted or forced to behave in a manner that he finds disagreeable. This can become a long-term power struggle that can lead to your frustration and his feelings of failure. ==>  How to Prevent Meltdowns and Tantrums in C