
Children on the Autism Spectrum and Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is an umbrella term for a variety of disorders that affect the way the brain processes auditory information. It is not a sensory or inner ear hearing impairment. Kids with APD usually have normal peripheral hearing ability. However, they cannot process the information they hear in the same way as others do, which leads to difficulties in recognizing and interpreting sounds, especially the sounds composing speech.

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Anonymous said...

Ashley Henderson Gonzales My son has learned to adapt somewhat to loud noises. However I do not vacuum nearly as much, I give warning when using the blender, and I use a count down system at a basketball game when the buzzer is getting ready to go off.
22 hours ago · Like
Emma Louise Rosser My lad hates loud noises, finds it incredibly hard to concentrate if theres so much as a ticking clock in the room.
22 hours ago · Like
Vanessa Willis Or Sensory Processing Disorder
22 hours ago · Like
Dee James
My daughter is 4 years and she spends most of her time covering up her ears, if a ambulance goes past with it's sirens on she will cover her ears and bolt down to the floor into a ball, even from a baby normal noises would really startle he...See More
22 hours ago · Like
Stephanie Birmingham Walls
Yes, my son has this as well as many of the other Sensory Processing Disorders. Slowly but surely he is learning to adapt and we are learning to help him 'prepare' for them. I do the same as Ashley...I do not vacuum nearly as much as I should however we hit a major milestone of him WANTING to vacuum :)) we warn warn and warn some more before going anywhere with our son...lights, sounds, smells, people...if we don't it's like asking for instant meltdown. Seems to help alot!
22 hours ago · Like
CareeAn Keaton My 9 year old son actually has his own set of noise blocking headphones here at home. There are days he wil walk around with them on because the day is just too loud. He also has a set at school right by the door for fire drills or loud assemblies. If we are out and about and something is too loud (music, motorcycles, fire whistle) he will grab my hands to put over his ears.
21 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Amanda Rose Daily-Daub We also use noise-cancelling headphones. Sammy uses them at school and has another set at home.
21 hours ago · Like
Tracy Alder-Ashwin What type of headphones do you use please? Want to buy some for my son as he has always found loud noises painful. Not sure about the noise cancelling ones as I've heard they can be annoying having to listen to the white noise sound all the time.
17 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Hideki Moriwaki Some of my students have the symptom like this. This aritcle was very helpful for me.
3 hours ago · Like

Anonymous said...

Hi. I am a 50 yo female. Lately I have been experiencing episodes of non-comprehension when people are talking. It's a strange phenomenon to feel; it's like the person is suddenly speaking a foreign language. I just pretend that I know what they were saying but I don't have any comprehension of their gibberish. Am I catching Aspergers?

Anonymous said...

Aspergers is not something you catch, it is a form of autism. My guess is you may have suffered a stroke or hearing loss

Workbench said...

Actually, Auditory Processing Disorder can intensify as you grow older or develop in people as they age. I know just what she's talking about. Often it's either just a jumble as if they were speaking another language OR it's as if there is a time delay and you watch their lips form words, but the sounds don't match up correctly. I've found lip reading helps more and more.

Workbench said...

It sounds as if she has Auditory Processing Disorder. Myself and various family members all have issues with APD. Sometimes it's as if they are speaking garbled syllables, mumbling or there is a time delay between hearing the sound and understanding what was said. Lip reading helps. APD can intensify as one gets older or occur in those who have previously had no issues as they get older for various reasons.

Anonymous said...

Could you please tell me which brand/type of noise cancelling headphones you use. I have a 7 year old with APD, and I am looking for headphones.
I would *really* appreciate any input.


Unknown said...

My 20-year-old son with Aspergers used to be afraid of loud noises, balloons popping, flushing toilets in public restrooms, and the fire alarm going off at school. Now his favorite things are tornado sirens and vacuums. I'm not sure if he has the APD or not but he can still be sensitive to sound and definitely light. So there's a possibility that things will change for them as they age.

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