My ASD Child
Education & Support for Parents of Children & Teens on the Autism Spectrum
Loneliness in Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder
It is hard to know if kids with ASD (high functioning autism) are as lonely as their moms and dads believe they are. Therapists do know t...
Kids with ASD [level 1]: Gifted or Hyperlexic?
P a rents who have discovered that their young child is "gifted" because he/she may be able to recite the alphabet at 18 months...
Causes of School-Related Anxiety in Kids on the Autism Spectrum
It's common for ASD level 1 (high functioning autistic) children of all ages to experience school anxiety and school-related stress. ...
High Pain-Tolerance in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
It is not uncommon for ASD youngsters to experience great pain and discomfort that goes unreported, unnoticed by others, undiagnosed, and un...
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