
Theories of Aspergers

What are some of the prominent theories that attempt to describe Aspergers? Aspergers appears to result from developmental factors that affect many - or all - functional brain systems. Although (a) the specific underpinnings of Aspergers that distinguish it from other Autism Spectrum Disorders are unknown, and (b) no clear pathology common to people with Aspergers has emerged, it is still possible that Asperger's mechanism is separate from other Autism Spectrum Disorders. Several theories are available, although none are likely to provide a complete explanation. Below are the current theories with the most credibility: 1. Neuroanatomical studies and the associations with teratogens (see “What is a teratogen?” below) strongly suggest that the mechanism behind Aspergers includes alteration of brain development soon after conception. Abnormal migration of embryonic cells during fetal development may affect the final structure and connectivity of the brain, resulting in alter